Fuel the Future of Show Skiing: Become a Sponsor
Thank you in advance for considering donating to the Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club, a 501c3 non-profit organization. Each
year we print and distribute over 2,000 brochures to sponsors, local businesses, Lake Saint Louis City Hall, Lake Saint Louis
Community Association Clubhouse, as well as annual events such as “Friday Fun on the Lake” Community Water Ski Shows,
Glenn Mueller Memorial Barefoot Figure 8 Tournament, Regional Showski Championships, National Showski Championships,
and Midwest Disabled Water Ski events. Additionally we are a proud member of the Western St. Charles County Chamber
of Commerce!
As a visible competitive Midwest ski team and local club, we are excited to assist your company in gaining exposure! In the
48 years since its founding, the Ski Club has played a major role in the Lake Saint Louis community and has provided
individuals and families with invaluable skills applicable to life on and off the water. In 2023 our official membership included
247 members and 86 families. You can become part of our success!
The Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club is comprised of three groups: Show-Me Skiers, Arch Rivals, and 3-Event.
The non-competitive Show-Me Skiers perform locally during the annual 4th of July Ski Show in Lake Saint Louis. The main
objective of this group serves as an introduction to the sport of waterskiing. This group provides entertainment each Fourth
of July in Lake Saint Louis.
The Arch Rivals is a competitive team specializing in “showskiing” which combines all components of water ski disciplines in
to an aquatic musical. These timed shows feature several water ski acts choreographed to music and are built around a
theme that tells a story. They compete regionally and nationally. Scoring includes originality of a theme, flow, agility,
difficulty, safety, and strict adherence to a one hour show.
The 3-Event skiers participate in Regional and National tournaments which require individual skill in jump, trick, and slalom
skiing. Skiers are scored on ability to clear buoys at specific rope lengths, jump successfully, and complete difficult tricks.
Our main tow boats are towed to Regional and National tournaments at least twice a year. These tournaments are four-day
events hosting up to 16 teams and include over 10,000 attendees. They are streamed online and covered extensively by USA
Water Ski Federation, USA Water Ski, The Water Skier, and Water Ski magazines. Our practices on the “big lake” at Jefferson
Point is located adjacent to highway 40/61 and rush-hour drivers have been known to honk or pull over to watch our Friday
Night Fun on the Lake Ski Shows during the slow-moving evening rush hour traffic.
Advertising of our events includes Out & About, Lake St. Louis Living, and Chesterfield City Lifestyle publications; guides to
dining, entertainment, and shopping. Out & About has direct mail delivery to over 10,000 homes and direct drop off to over
350 locations in St. Louis County. Lake St. Louis Living is a social magazine for the residents of Lake St. Louis distributed
monthly to approximately 10,000 homes. Chesterfield City Lifestyle is mailed directly to approximately 14,000 homes and
over 400 locations in St. Charles County. Both publications distribute over 50,000 copies bi-monthly and are circulated at
healthcare facilities, restaurants, shopping outlets, sports facilities and business offices. We also maintain two social media
sites; we have over 2000 followers on Facebook and over 800 followers on Instagram. We invited a local photographer to
ride in our boat during practice who featured photographs of the Ski Club in her exhibits, art fairs, and Saint Charles County
City Living. Additionally, we had the wonderful opportunity to perform for over 50,000 patrons during Fair Saint Louis in
2014 and 2016 at the Grand Basin! This year we placed an ad with the World Water Ski Show Tournament in Winter Haven
Florida program. They printed over 10,000 copies which helped us garner thousands of hits on our Facebook and Instagram
pages in October alone.
We operate on a tight budget each year in order to preserve and judiciously maintain our equipment. The costumes and
equipment are used frequently each season subject to much wear and tear. Since we are a 100% volunteer organization, we
rely on donations from our sponsors and the selfless volunteerism of our members. We always make it a goal to match what
our sponsors have provided to us via membership dues, fundraising events, and tournaments. The following page provides
a list of various levels of sponsorship, please consider helping out an organization that makes a huge impact both on and off
the water!
Once a donation is made, a tax deduction form will be provided. We are motivated to support your business and excited
about forming a mutually beneficial relationship. We realize the importance of your funding and any level of donation may
be modified to fit your specific needs. If donating anonymously is your choice, we are happy to oblige. We believe that the
Ski Club program is consistent with the mission and interest of the Lake St. Louis Community and hope that you will find it
in your hearts and budget to support this program. Any amount helps us reach our goal of providing a unique opportunity
to our members and patrons watching our shows! Please feel free to pass on my information to anyone you wish, we are
motivated to explore any and all options for fundraising. I am available to discuss, just reach out!
Donations may be made by mailing a check, via our PayPal link, or scanning our QR code (see invoice)...it’s that easy!
Warmest Regards,
Emily Thibodeau
Vice President, Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club
Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club
c/o Kristy Cross, President
100 Cognac Ct
Lake Saint Louis MO 63367
Platinum Sponsor
- • Spots announced during our 4th of July skishows and Friday Fun on the Lake ski shows
- • Logo on both of our triple rig tow boats- both
- • Banner on ski jump facing highway 40/61
- • 2 page spread (centerfold) advertisement in annual brochure
- • Listing on club website (www.LSLSKI.com) with link to your business
- • Monthly advertisement on our social media sites (Facebook, Instagram)
- • Business logo on all club t-shirts
- • Marketing table at ski shows
- • Recognition and invitation to our annual Sponsor Appreciation Night ski show
Diamond Sponsor
- • Spots announced during our 4th of July skishows and Friday Fun on the Lake ski shows
- • Logo on both of our triple rig tow boats
- • 2 pages of advertisements in annual brochure (2 pages @ 8” x 10”)
- • Listing on club website (www.LSLSKI.com) with link to your business
- • Monthly advertisement on our social media sites (Facebook, Instagram)
- • Business logo on all club t-shirts
- • Marketing table at ski shows
- • Recognition and invitation to our annual Sponsor Appreciation Night ski show
Gold Sponsor
- • Spots announced during our 4th of July skishows and Friday Fun on the Lake ski shows
- • Logo on both of our triple rig tow boats- both
- • 2 page spread (centerfold) advertisement in annual brochure
- • Listing on club website (www.LSLSKI.com) with link to your business
- • Monthly advertisement on our social media sites (Facebook, Instagram)
- • Business logo on all club t-shirts
- • Marketing table at ski shows
- • Recognition and invitation to our annual Sponsor Appreciation Night ski show
Silver Sponsor
- • Spots announced during our 4th of July skishows and Friday Fun on the Lake ski shows
- • 1 page advertisement in annual brochure (8” x 10”)
- • Your business logo displayed on our main show dock for all Community Night Ski Shows and 4th of July Shows
- • Listing on club website (www.LSLSKI.com) with link to your business
- • Monthly advertisement on our social media sites (Facebook, Instagram)
- • Marketing table at ski shows
- • Recognition and invitation to our annual Sponsor Appreciation Night ski show
Bronze Sponsor
- • Spots announced during our 4th of July skishows and Friday Fun on the Lake ski shows
- • 1⁄2 page advertisement in annual brochure (7.5” x 4.5”)
- • Your business logo displayed on our bleachers during all Community Night Ski Shows and 4th of July Shows
- • Listing on club website (www.LSLSKI.com) with link to your business (continued on next page)
- • Quarterly advertisement on our social media sites (Facebook, Instagram)
- • Marketing table at ski shows
- • Recognition and invitation to our annual Sponsor Appreciation Night ski show
Corporate Sponsor
- • 1⁄4 page advertisement in annual brochure (4.5”x 3.5”)
- • Listing on club website (www.LSLSKI.com)
- • Listing on social media sites(Facebook, Instagram)
- • Recognition and invitation to our annual Sponsor Appreciation Night ski show
Line Sponsor
- • Business card size advertisement in annual brochure (3.5” x 2”)
- • Listing on club website (www.LSLSKI.com)
- • Recognition and invitation to our annual Sponsor Appreciation Night ski show Family and Friends-- $50
- • Shout out to a family/friend in annual brochure (limit 10 words)