(Revised: 13 October 2024)
ARTICLE I - Purpose and Name
Section 1 - The name of this club shall be "Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club, Inc.", a not
for profit corporation registered in the state of Missouri.
Section 2 - The purpose of the "Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club" is to promote the sport of water
skiing through group participation, sponsoring exhibitions, shows, clinics, tournaments and
associated recreational activities for the mutual benefit of the members; to develop and maintain
facilities for water skiing; to stimulate interest in water skiing among non-skiers in the
community; to work for greater safety in water skiing; and to represent water skiing to the Lake
Saint Louis Community Association.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Section 1 - Membership in the "Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club" shall be open to all Lake Saint
Louis Community Association members in good standing and their legally dependent family
members domiciled with them. Members at least 14 years of age are eligible to vote in Club
matters. Non-dependent children 18 years or older may join with an individual membership and
be entitled to vote provided they are domiciled with a parent or parents who are members in good
standing of the Lake St. Louis Community Association. Membership is open to extended family
members entitled to CA privileges.
Section 2 - Application for membership shall be made in the manner prescribed by the
Membership-Attendance Chairman as approved by a majority of the Board of Officers and
Directors. The membership application, in its approved form, shall contain an agreement to abide
by the By-Laws of the Club. The applicant(s) shall become a member of the club upon full
completion of the membership application and payment of the required dues (Amended October
Section 3. Non-Resident Membership - Non-Resident Membership - Non-Resident/Non-CA
members who enhance the competitive aspects of the team may be extended membership by a
super majority (2/3) decision of the Board of Officers and Directors. Non-residents/Non-CA
members are not allowed to participate in the Show Me Skiers, provided, however, that any
person who was a member of the Club in 2016 can remain a member of the Club and participate
in the Show Me Skiers for so long as that person maintains continuous membership in the Club.
(Amended October 2016) Non resident membership in any competitive team shall not exceed
15% of the total membership of that team.
Section 4 - A member may resign from the Club at any time upon notice in writing addressed to
the Secretary. Any dues refund, or portion thereof, is at the discretion of the Board of Officers and
Section 5 - The Board of Officers and Directors may revoke the membership of any member(s)
for due cause and may refund any or all dues paid by such member(s) in the current year at the
discretion of the Board. Termination of the membership of any member shall not release the said
member from the obligation to pay all dues owed to the end of the period of the membership.
Section 6 - Honorary Membership shall be composed of those formerly active members who
made a significant contribution to the Ski Club during the time they were active members.
Nominations of individuals for Honorary Membership may be made by any active member by
submitting justification for such nomination to the Board of Officers and Directors. At the next
regular or special meeting of the Board of Officers and Directors, a favorable vote of a majority of
those present shall be required to elect a nominee to Honorary Membership. An Honorary
Member shall pay no dues, have no voting rights, be sent all Newsletters, and be welcome to join
the active members in Ski Club social events. Guidelines for nominees are as follows:
1. Been a member of the Ski Club for 10 years or more.(October 2024)
2. Must have held a responsible position for at least 3 years. (October 2024)
3. A term of 3 years must have passed since the nominee was an active member. (October 2024)
4. If a nominee was not approved by the Ski Club Board, then they may not be nominated by any
active member for a period of 5 years. (October 2024)
5. If a nominee has not met the above stated qualifications, the nominee can still become an
Honorary member upon approval of two-third of the Board Members present. (Added April
ARTICLE III – Management
Section 1 - The management of the Club shall be vested in a Board of Officers and Directors.
ARTICLE IV - Board of Officers and Directors
Section 1 Elected Officers and Directors: The Elected Board of Officers and Directors shall
consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Membership, Director of
Activities,and Volunteer Director. (October 2024)
Section 2 Appointed Positions: The following positions shall be appointed by a majority vote of
the elected Officers and Directors: Show-Me-Skiers Show Director, Arch Rivals Show Director,
Tournament Director, Equipment Director, Director of Newsletter and Publicity, Director of
Safety, and Representative to the Community Association Lakes and Parks Committee.
Section 3 - Other: The current Past President shall be a member of the Board of Officers and
Section 4 - All members of the Board of Officers and Directors shall hold office for one year or
until their successors are duly elected. The Elected Officers shall be elected by the members at
their annual meeting. The President shall not serve more than two terms consecutively.
Section 5 - The Board of Officers and Directors may employ whatever personnel they deem
necessary and for which funds are available, to aid in the management of the Club.
Section 6 - A nominating committee of seven (7) Ski Club members from separate families, in
good standing, shall be appointed by the Board at least two months prior to the annual meeting for
election of new officers. It is preferred that no more than two members of the nominating
committee be current Board Members. No member shall serve more than two consecutive years
on the Nominating Committee. The purpose of the nominating committee shall be to poll the
membership and select one person to be placed in nomination for each of the six elected offices.
Section 7 - The Board has the right to request the resignation of a Board Member after three (3)
missed Board Meetings.
ARTICLE V - Roles & Responsibilities of Officers and
Section 1-President: The President presides at all meetings of the Club and of its Board of
Officers and Directors; appoints all committees, with the counsel of the Board; ensures the Club's
Policies and By-Laws are current; coordinates Club issues with the Community Association;
oversees the Club's business matters; manages resource conflicts that arise in executing club
business. Additionally, the President shall carry on those other responsibilities assigned to him/her
by the By-Laws and by the Board of Officers and Directors. The President shall initiate phone
chain messages.
Section 2 - Vice President: During the absence or temporary incapacity of the President, the
Vice-President shall perform the duties and have the powers of the President. The Vice President
shall be responsible for the Club's Marketing efforts to include concessions, programs, t-shirts,
logo apparel, etc.
Section 3 - Secretary: The Secretary shall keep all records of the Club and shall also be
responsible for the minutes of all meetings of the general membership and the Board of Officers
and Directors as well as retaining record copies of rosters, attendance, mailings correspondence,
photo & video libraries and the Club's Corporate Charter.
Section 4 - Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep account and have charge of the Club's funds and
tax returns. The Treasurer shall keep all funds in a bank approved by the Board of Officers and
Directors in the name of the Club. Said accounts shall be subject to withdrawal by checks signed
in a manner approved by the Board of Officers and Directors. The Treasurer shall develop an
annual budget and disburse the funds of the Club as directed by the Board of Officers and
Directors. An annual independent audit shall be prepared and submitted to the membership.
Section 5 - Membership: The Director of Membership shall be responsible for the solicitation and
signing of new members; maintain, publish & distribute a current roster of the LSL WSC, Non-
Residents and Honorary Members, and USA Waterski membership affiliation records.
Section 6 - Activities: The Director of Programs and Activities shall be responsible for the
entertainment and related fundraising events; the annual Awards and Business Meeting Banquet;
non-safety related educational programs at all Club meetings.
Section 7 - Volunteer. The Volunteer Director shall be responsible for the club’s volunteer
fundraising/volunteer works program, maintaining fundraising rules and volunteer duties for club
members. In addition, the volunteer director will work in partnership with the VP on the
fundraising committee and maintain the tracking of fundraising credits for the club members.
Section 8- Safety: The Safety Director shall be responsible for safety related educational
programs and safety procedures for all water related activities.
Section 9 - Equipment: The Equipment Director shall be responsible for Club ropes, skies, leads,
and other related material; maintaining Club equipment to include the ski jump, safety boats,
storage racks and electrical sound and radio equipment.
Section 10 - Newsletter & Publicity: The Newsletter and Publicity Director shall be responsible
for publishing and distributing the Newsletter, issuing press releases, and producing show photos
& videos.
Section 11 - Tournaments: The Tournament Director shall be responsible for the Club's three
event skiing and tournament wake boarding activities, maintaining the slalom course, and conduct
and coordinate all tournaments in accordance with their operational Guidelines and Policies.
Section 12- Show-Me-Skiers: The Show-Me-Skiers Show Director shall be responsible for the
oversight of all skiing and show activities of the Show- Me-Skiers in accordance with their
operational Guidelines and Policies.
Section 13 - Arch Rivals: The Arch Rivals Show Director shall be responsible for the oversight of
all skiing and show activities of the Arch Rivals in accordance with their operational Guidelines
and Policies.
Section 14 – Community Relations Director: The Community Relations Director shall be
responsible for representing the Club’s interests before the Community Association Board of
Directors, in the CA’s Lakes and Parks Committee, and as otherwise appropriate with other CA
committees and clubs. The Community Relations Director is responsible for securing dock
practice times and obtaining other necessary permissions, as well as communicating with the Ski
Club membership and with the community at large to enhance the reputation and status of the Ski
Club within the community. The Community Relations Director and the Newsletter & Publicity
Director are encouraged to coordinate their efforts in this regard. (Amended October 2016)
Section 15 - Past President: The Past President shall provide continuity and conduct special
projects as assigned.
Section 16 - Vacancies in any elective office may be filled by a majority vote of the Board. The
successor so chosen shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor.
Section 17 - Officers and Directors may appoint other Club members to assist them in the conduct
of their duties.
Section 1 - The fiscal year of the Club shall commence on the first day of January and end the
31st day of December (Amended October 2024). Dues and fees shall be determined by the Board
of Officers and Directors.
ARTICLE VII – Meetings
Section 1 - General Membership Meetings: The annual General Membership Meeting shall be
held during the month of August (October 2024). The President may call Special Meetings of the
general membership. Twenty-five percent of the vote eligible shall constitute a quorum. Any
action taken at a regular or special meeting shall require a majority vote of that quorum.
Section 2 - Board of Officers and Directors Meetings: Eight members of the Board of Officers
and Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.
Monthly Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board of Officers and Directors shall be held
monthly at a time and place designated by the President at which time each Officer and
Director is expected to provide a status report of current activities.
Special Meetings: The President may call Special Meetings of the Board of Officers and
Section 3 - Notice of Meetings: Written notice of the place, day and hour of the annual General
Membership meeting and of all monthly meetings of the Board of Officers and Directors shall be
prepared and distributed to the membership by the Director of Newsletter and Publicity. Any
Special General Membership Meetings or change of regular meetings may be called by the
President upon giving at least three days notice, which notice shall state the place, day, hour and
purpose of the meeting. Special meetings of the Board of Officers and Directors may be called by
the President, notice of which shall be given in sufficient time to permit members to be present.
ARTICLE VIII – Amendments
Section 1 - These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the General Membership by a
quorum as defined by Article VII, Section 1.
ARTICLE IX - Scholarship (Amended 2023)
Section 1 - A scholarship fund of up to $2000 per year, can be distributed among both collegiate
and non-collegiate skiers. Each year, the $2000 will be divided by the total number of recipients,
not to exceed $500 per individual. Each scholarship has its own criteria and requirements.
Section 2 - Non-Collegiate Skier Scholarship Requirements: Must have been a member of the
Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club for the past 4 years consecutively. For each of those past 4
years, they must have successfully completed at least one of the following.
1. Volunteered in 4 events for the Lake St Louis Water ski Club in the calendar year. (A
list of the approved volunteer events will be provided by each board annually.
2. Raised $500 in sponsorship revenue.
3. Provide proof of enrollment in a continued education beyond high school (this
includes any post secondary education)
Section 3- Each applicant is also required to write and attach a minimum 500 word essay to the
Ski Club Board describing how the Lake Saint Louis Water Ski Club and skiing has affected your
life and why you want to continue to waterski.